Massage Therapy in Loveland CO

only available at our Loveland location
Here at Gateway Family Chiropractic, our Loveland CO chiropractors and massage therapists believe in giving you the best possible chance of healing and getting you back to health as quickly as we can. Our goal is always to help you see full recovery in as few sessions as possible, and improve your life as much as we can.
Types of Massage Therapy We Offer in Loveland CO
Massage therapy brings a wealth of benefits to the recipient. Although relaxation and stress reduction are prime among them, therapeutic massage can also speed healing, improve bodily functioning and bring balance back to your life. If you’re looking for a qualified massage therapist, look no further.
Deep Tissue Massage: Deep tissue massage focuses on the muscles and tissues far beneath the surface. It goes deeper than Swedish massage, though the techniques are similar, focusing on reaching the muscles, fascia and tendons that traditional, lighter massages can’t reach.
Facial Massage: Using time-honored techniques, facial massage helps relax the muscles around sensory organs, which are often tight and can grow tense or uncomfortable over time. If you are prone to clenching your jaw or wrinkling your brows, this type of massage can prove very relaxing both during and after the treatment.
Healing Pain and Injury with Massage Therapy
Pain and injury can significantly decrease your quality of life. Luckily, massage therapy can help with several types of pain and injury by improving circulation and blood flow, and releasing any toxins. Below is a list of a few conditions that massage therapy can help treat and relieve, including:
- Fibromyalgia and Neuralgia: Soothing the symptoms of these chronic pain conditions.
- Knee and Back Pain: Two of the most common areas in the body to experience pain are the knee and back, both helped by these services.
- High Blood Pressure: Techniques restore bodily balance, regulating blood pressure.
- Fatigue and Headaches: If you’re chronically tired or prone to headaches, your bodily systems likely need restoring to balance.
If any of the above describes you, massage therapy could be the answer you’re looking for.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Even if you are not injured, massage therapy provides significant benefits. It improves circulation and blood flow throughout the body. It also stimulates the release of toxins, helping you move them out of your body, as well as promoting the faster healing of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Lastly, massage therapy helps reduce pain and soften stiff muscles, soothe sore tissues, and promote faster recovery time after major exertion.
Your Massage Therapists
If you’re looking for a massage therapist in Loveland CO, look no further. Gateway Family Chiropractic is owned by twin chiropractor brothers, Dr. Michael and David Hughes, and we offer various treatment plans tailored to each unique condition and situation. Our chiropractors are two of the five Colorado chiropractors nationally certified in Spinal Decompression and two of four Northern Colorado chiropractors certified in Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP). Our massage therapist is highly skilled and comes with many years of experience. We offer a range of services for injuries from car accidents, work, and sports. We treat the whole family, from adults to children to pregnant mothers.
If you want to make an appointment with our Loveland CO chiropractors and massage therapists, please call today. We would be happy to schedule you today and put you on the road to better health that much sooner.